Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hating This Day

I guess we all have days we dread, days we wish we didn't have to face, days we would just like to forget.

This is one of those days for me.

I won't go into reasons, I won't say what the day is, but let's just say this day each year for the past several years gets me down, makes me blue, and makes me reflect on aspects of my life that I simply wonder about.

I see so much selfishness in this day, so much bitterness, and so much anger.

I try not to let this day bother me, but it does.

I turned this matter over to the Lord several years ago and I let him deal with it for me, most of the time.

But not today.

Today the Lord lets me deal with it as best I can.

Today I'm not doing the best job of dealing with it.

Thank God it will be over in a little over five hours from right now.

Yep, August 26th really sucks.

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