Thursday, October 21, 2010

Now What?

Got results back today on my latest bloodwork a couple of days ago.

Good news, my uric acid levels are back to normal, so the new meds are working.

The bad news, my blood and hemoglobin levels are low again, which could range from any number of causes. Right now, I've been given new restrictions on what I can put in my body, and we'll check the blood again in January 2011, and see what transpires at that time.

I went thru the thoughts today of having another colonoscopy and endoscopy, but for right now, we're going to see if diet changes help.

If not, well, we'll see what happens then.

So much for thinking about retiring.

Hell, I can't retire, I couldn't afford all the medical tests I might be having next year.

As Mr Potter told George Bailey on Christmas Eve: "George, you're worth more dead than alive."

Hmmmm, food for thought, maybe?

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