Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Moody Blues: Balance

Reminder: Turn of the jukebox on the right before starting this video.

Recently someone posted on Facebook that they have never known anyone who enjoys music the way that I do and how much it influences my life.

This song, decades old now, has always been a favorite of mine and one to which I identify myself.

Hope you enjoy it, not just for the melody but for the awesome recitation by Mike Pinder of the Moody Blues.


Unknown said...

For a tune with a lot of narration, the Moody Blues tune is OK, but I prefer the Donovan classic "Atlantis"

RainbowDemon1952 said...

Atlantis is my favorite song by Donovan, which is basically all narration except the chorus. Great song by a great artist. Both songs have a great story behind them. I tend to like the Moodies tune a bit better, however. That's what makes us all individuals.