Sunday, April 10, 2011

5 1/2 Weeks

It's now been a very long 5 1/2 weeks since surgery.

This Wednesday at 8:15AM, I go to my first physical therapy appointment and should be able to get out of my sling, finally. That's not to say I haven't been doing therapy because I've been doing home therapy since the day following surgery, 7 exercises, 3 times each day. As much as a discomfort that has been, the really tough work now lies ahead of me.

On Thursday morning, I go back to see the surgeon and see how I'm progressing and if I'm ready to go back to work, with restrictions. If I was guessing, my guess would be no, but we shall see what we shall see. He wants me off until early May, but my leave is going to run out soon and I asked him if I could go back April 18th.

Now I'm not so sure I can deal with it that soon.

Like I said, we shall see.

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