Friday, May 20, 2011


...when I write, I write as I feel someone else in different circumstances from my life might be thinking...

I've confused a few people with my "Highway" post.

My mind wanders when I mow, I tend to do some of my "writing" when I mow, and what I posted at that point was not referring to me, so to speak, but how I think "people" sometimes tend to feel when emotions run rampant.

If this was misconstrued by any of my Faithful Few, I sincerely apologize.

Bottle Of Wine was posted to assure you all that the crazy old bald fart known as the Rainbow Demon is still fine, alive and well, never quite sane, but not quite over the edge....


I appreciate the concern, but I am truly okay...

I guess this means I should not even begin to discuss my feelings regarding the Rapture, once again being predicted by the same false prophet who predicted this same event back in 1994...

I know, I know...

My bad!

But shame on ANYONE who believes such tripe!

The end days may be near, but they have also been preached for the last 2,000 years. I tend to believe that when the time is right, it's going to happen, whether you believe in it or not.

But I also believe that NO man will EVER be able to predict the time, the date, or otherwise...

There, I've said more than I meant to say on the subject, but again, false prophets are so damned conniving and they sucker so many people!

Hope you aren't one of them!

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