Sunday, December 04, 2011

Rest In Peace, Pops!

Today marked the 100th anniversary of my dad's birthday.

About fifteen minutes ago I was notified that a good friend of mine, who at one time many years ago was probably my best friend, passed away this morning.

The picture above was taken at my surprise retirement party on October 1st, which would have been my mom's 98th birthday, had she lived.

David W. Sailor, known to many as either "Butch" or "Pops," was one of those friends who had drifted away over the years, and while we weren't strangers by any means, we only saw each other a half dozen times a year or so, whereas, 30 years ago, we probably got together at least once a week if not more.

My friend, I will so miss you, your friendship, your laugh and your crazy sense of humor. You were a friend to so many. It's hard to imagine you are gone.

At least now, you're not suffering and your pain is gone.

This world will not be the same, ever again, without you in it.

Godspeed, Pops!

1 comment:

ryseja said...

I remember all the Red White and Blue cans in the back of a truck he and another guy showed up in one evening. I think he had a case of beer he brought back from Florida. I didn't know him very well at all, but I'd sure like to drink a RW&B as a remembrance.