Thursday, July 11, 2013


Things happen in our lives that are beyond our grasp of understanding.

Occasionally something will happen and we'll sit and ask ourselves why, pondering for a reason or reasons why some of these inconvenient things happen.

Sometimes though, like recently, an avalanche of things happen and we become bombarded by a barrage of occurences and are left standing in the fallout and trying to deduce just what the hell has happened and what has gone wrong.

Though we aren't supposed to question the reasoning behind these events, for those of us who believe in a higher power and a preordination of events, I find myself right now doing just that; questioning and trying to find reason.

Personally, my own life is going amazingly. Retirement is awesome, Peggy and I are spending much more time together and growing even closer, if one can believe that. We are travelling, spending an increasing amount of time with friends and being able to do things that the constraints of my job used to keep us from doing.

Since her job change, she has more time now, free weekends and longer amounts of time at home in the evening. It's awesome getting to spend this time with my soulmate and we are finding even more things to do and ways to spend quality time together.

However, those that touch our lives, friends, relatives and associates, those folks seem to be going thru some tough times as of late, and it's all happening at once.

We've been losing friends, family and acquaintances much too rapidly recently, and I hope that slows down, though I've been told by those much older and wiser than myself, that this does indeed happen as you get older. It's the nature of this beast called "Life."

I've never done well dealing with loss or having to say goodbye. It's one of my many shortcomings, and I find myself having to go thru it more and more now and at a very alarming rate.

I either need to learn to adapt or it needs to come to a complete and utter stop.

I know it makes no difference, because whichever way it goes, life will go on, with or without me.

Ah, sweet mystery of Life: BITE ME!!!

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