Monday, May 29, 2006

Night Air

This poem was written in the year 2000, though I don't recall the month or date. Hope you like this entry from the past!

Night Air

Gazing up at the night sky in wonder
I watched as the moon began to melt,
Its contents spilling down upon the Earth
In a tidal wave of deep blue.
All it touched began to glow
In colors I can't describe.
The stars in all their splendor glowed
With an intense light, unnatural and strong.
The ground was bathed in their light,
The waters reflecting a million million dots
Of precious light.
The night air hit me in the face,
Intoxicating me with the essence of its spendor.
An awkward moment, stumbling back,
Unsure of this moment, unable to comprehend
The changes.
Like a bolt out of the proverbial blue,
Realization struck me full force,
Answering my unasked questions.
You were nearby....


Serena said...

That is purely stunning.

RainbowDemon1952 said...

Thanks, Serena! I appreciate the kind comment, which is one of the things that keeps me going on here, so I thank you for more fuel for the fire that burns within me. Looks like I might have a bit more time in the next few days to do a little extra writing if I feel like it, too. I broke my ankle last Tuesday and they put me in an air boot cast today and put me off work until Monday June 5, so if I can sit in here comfortably with this heavy cast on my left leg, I'll probably spend some more time writing. I've got an idea I've been perusing in my mind for a few weeks for a great short story, so maybe this might be the week to get it done. Anyway, thanks once again for the kind comment and I hope to be hearing from you again soon. And anytime you want to write, you can always use my e-mail address link on my page as well. Take care, and stay cool!

PS- No, I'm usually not accident prone, but his has not been a good year for me...wonder if that has anything to do with getting more mature?(sounds so much better than saying getting older, doesn't it?)

Serena said...

Oh, poor Charlie. I'm so sorry to hear about your broken ankle. Feel better soon. If you get the fire and feel like sharing, there's a short story forum on my board. Poetry, too. E-mail address link, ditto. Feel free. Take care of that ankle.

Serena said...

Ooops, I just this second saw your P.S. Don't say the "mature" word to me -- it's my non-birthday. Thank God everyone who's tried to guess my age today was blind. LOL.

Mea said...

hey hunna..... again simply amazing!!! I love whenever you write and love these the best I think.. you sir have a fine way wioth words... Bravo again!!! BTW side note did u get a chance to actually read the first page of my novel? its under the first post.. it has no title but u can tell what it is.. well cause its story like and not poetry.. and Yes I went and checked out serena.. I must say thanks... another blog added to my must watch list. Thanks for the support love!!! Autumn

Shelle said...

Yup. One up my favorites. ;)