Saturday, June 03, 2006


The sun crests the horizon
Shooting beams of bright orange and yellow
Into the early morning sky,
A veritable rainbow of colors that lasts
Only a few moments
With a beauty rarely seen by many,
Yet a pattern that is repeated
Over and over again,
Day in, day out,
Making way for the many hours that will

For those fortunate enough
To take in this overwhelming beauty,
Adrenaline pumps throughout their veins
And pulses within them a total and complete

Many hours from now, this same sun that creates
Such a wondrous and colorful creation,
Will begin to pass from our sight
At the end of its day long journey,
Setting forth another burst of color,
That this time recedes and allows
The darkness of the night to follow.

Again, such beautiful colors, somehow now
Prepare us for our traverse into the nighttime,
Again being seen in its glory only by a select few
That are permitted to behold such splendor
As yet another day comes to an end.

These colors as they fade, permeate the visions
Of those fortunate enough to behold this vision
And ease the soul from the tensions of the day
And into the restful peace and quiet
The night sky now brings upon us all.

As this beauty leaves us for yet another few hours,
It rises in another part of the world,
Again creating an awakening to those
In that part of the world
Blessed with the chance to see such beauty.


Serena said...

Bee-yew-tee-ful, Charlie!

RainbowDemon1952 said...

Thanks, Serena! Always appreciate the positive comments, but should you ever read anything that you don't like, you can feel free to let me know that too. The positives always fuel me to try and do better next time.
Again, thanks so much!