Monday, September 20, 2010

Golden Years?

Went in for routine bloodwork at the family doc's last week and had my usual joking around session with the doctor. Because of meds I take, I have to go in every 3 months or so and have bloodwork done to make sure the liver and kidneys are okay, and while so far most things have gone well, last Thursday led to some interesting findings.

I got a call from his nurse Friday and found out that once again, my hemoglobin count is down. This seems to run a cycle every 6 to 8 months or so, and apparently, once again the cycle is in the negative realm.

That wasn't the big find, however.

I also found out that I have high amount of uric acid in my blood, which can lead to all kinds of wonderful things, like kidney stones(a phobia of mine) and also gout. Considering the pain my feet have been in since May of this year, I would say that yes indeed, I do have gout.

So, with a new script to try and lower those levels in my blood, and a new script for arthritis, I hopefully am on the mending road once again.

Ah, the benefits of getting older.

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