Saturday, February 25, 2012




Are you serious?

60 years old today?

Remarkable, considering I can remember saying I would never live to see 20, then 30, then 40, then 50...

And now, 60 years old.

It's been a fast 60 years, even with all the bumps in the road along the way, it's been a mostly smooth ride.

I've learned to accept some things along the way and I've been able to adapt to some things along the way and I've been able to change some things along the way.

Those things that I've not been able to change for the better I can at least accept them.

The great thing about my life now, 60 years in and able to retire before that birthday arrived, is that the people that are MOST important and that matter most in my life and actively involved in my life and remain a part of it, each and everyday. Those who have decided that I'm not important in theirs have their own reasons and their own hangups and I have learned to accept that for the most part.

I'm proud of who I am, where I have come from, what I have been able to accomplish and I am surrounded by people who respect me and accept me for who I am.

I am a truly blessed man and I hope the good Lord sees fit for me to come back in another 10 years and write a blog entitled "70." If not, at least I have the satisfaction knowing I got to write this one at the tender age of sixty, anyhow!

Blessings to all of my Faithful Few.

You make my life so full and such a gas!

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