Saturday, February 17, 2007

Looking For The Positive Side Of Things

A harsh fall let loose on a very mild winter here in Indiana, that is until just a few weeks ago, and Mother Nature decided to let us know who is still boss.

A near blizzard came thru earlier this week adding to the remnants of snow already on the ground, and as I sit here typing, another round of snow from an Alberta Clipper is dumping a fine powdery covering on top of close to 10 to 12 inches of snow that already is lying on the ground. We're being told this will be a lighter round of snow, only 2 to 4 inches, but at this point in time, anything in the way of snow is too much as far as I'm concerned.

Later this morning, I'll once again don the insulated coveralls and head out to fire up the John Deere and plow the drive for the third time in less than a week.

Vacation began last evening as I clocked out from work, and I can honestly say I NEED this vacation badly. I've survived another Christmas season at work, my 28th, and now I'm in the midst of tax season, truly my least favorite time of year. Needless to say this vacation is highly anticipated.

Next Thursday, February 22nd, my wonderful wife and I will be celebrating our 29th anniversary, and in honor of that achievement, we'll be travelling a couple of hours away and be staying for four nights in a State Park inn. This has become an annual tradition for us and a short trip away that we both look so forward to each year.

My understanding is that there isn't as much snow where we are travelling to as there is here, and with warmer temperatures expected to arrive next week, we anticipate temperatures south of here to be about ten degrees warmer than they are here at home. I sure hope that is the case. Matter of fact, I'll take twenty degrees warmer if it happens to be that way instead.

I guess it's time to put off the inevitable and put on the winter clothing and head out to do the job that I'm not looking forward to, but, in a few hours my wife will be heading back home from her last day at work and I guess it would be nice for her to arrive with a freshly plowed driveway awaiting her.

I think I'll reward myself with a nice cup of kahlua and coffee when I get back inside.

See, there is a bit of silver lining awaiting me after this cold job I'm getting ready to do.


Once adored, almost immediately forgotten about,
Cast aside, set to drift in the wind,
My lover amnesicac, the memory of me fading,
Abandoned for what I covered,
And not loved for what I truly am.
Creating clutter,
Being the source of anger
This wasn't my choice,
I was a victim,
Yet I am the receptor of so much
And all I can do is lie here
Hoping the winds come along
And carry me on to where I can
No longer be seen
And hated so much
For things, not in my control.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Lines like a road map,
Deeply embedding my face,
Showing the toll of the years,
A fee paid like a toll road
For all the miles of usage.

I wonder how high these milemarkers go?