Monday, July 18, 2011

Snowflake's New Life

Souls are not limited to just people. I truly believe this.

I believe animals have souls too, because, to me, it makes sense that this is where their personalities come from.

I also believe those souls go to Heaven.

This being the case, I truly believe right now that our 17 year old cat Snowflake is running in Heaven right now and hearing for the very first time. I would also like to think she is enjoying that.

Her eyes are no longer running, the sore that grew on her right eye is gone and she's seeing better than she ever did before.

I also believe she's waiting on all of us to join her.

In a little while, Snowflake, we'll be joining you.

For now, enjoy your new home and all those things you are now blessed with.

We love and miss you, pretty kitty!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Like falling snow
Your world was quiet
And beautiful
You've brought that same
Peace and stillness
Into our lives
Giving us seventeen
Years of companionship
And love
And teaching us
That it's not the things
You hear
That give life its
But the things that you don't hear.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Faze Eight

Hands away,
Hands off of me
Hands off my body
Hands off my mind.
Out of my sight
Out of my mind
Out of my way
I'm going this one

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Faze Seven

Deeper than the ocean
And ten times as unpredicatable.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Forty Years

40 years ago
The flame died out
We are lead to believe,
40 years of silence,
40 years no Mr Mojo Risin',
40 years the shaman
Took his leave
And found his solitude,
His freedom

Where did you really go, Jim?

Friday, July 01, 2011

Faze Six

Inside his mind
The impending storm
Began to gather
Swirling with the invisible
Of an approaching

Time was growing short.