Thursday, May 19, 2005

In Response

A faithful reader(I didn't know I had any, honestly) remarked to me earlier this week that they missed me writing over the past couple of weeks, and I explained to them that something had come up and kept me from posting. With that in my mind, I'd like to address my absence the last two weeks.

Firstly, I did have a week vacation that I spent doing a lot of running up to the Speedway for some R and R. That, wasn't, however, the reason I didn't write.

A serious family matter came up, which I won't go into here. What I will address is the profound effect it had on me. Quite literally, I thought I was going to lose it completely.

When something happens to a loved one, it's a personal and a private matter. It's not something that needs to be brought out into the open, thrown into one's face or something that even needs to be discussed. All the "good intentions" aside, if you don't know the whole story, even though you think you do, simply keep your mouth shut and mind your own business. If I need your input, trust me, I'll ask you for it.

Someone had the audacity to bring this subject up to me. Whether it was out of genuine concern or if it was actually meant to try and rub my face in it, well, it doesn't matter. Like I said before, it was a serious and personal matter, and no one, and I mean NO ONE, had all the facts.

My family is my world, my family is my life, and to have someone try and cause emotional hurt to me and mine is inexcusable. Trust me, we had enough on our minds and we sure didn't need any more to worry about.

The good news is, we're moving ahead, one day and one step at a time, and we're doing it as we always have, as a family. Mistakes have been made, and trust me, we ALL make them, and we don't need anyone reminding us that we do, because like I said, we all make them. Some of us just have a little more class than others.

With that said, I thank those of you who have given us your support and prayers. We appreciate you all more than you'll ever know. This chapter in our life is moving ahead, and with God's help, which He's so richly blessed us with so far, we'll get thru this problem and learn from it in the years to come. Besides, those miracles we sometimes think never happen, do indeed happen as I found out earlier this week. Thank you, Jesus!

I'm proud of my family, each and everyone of them, and I hope someday that I can have them just as proud of me as I am of them.

The writing will continue....