Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Delusional # 34

Crowded, yet I'm so lonely,
But it's so quiet.
So much talking,
But I'm remaining silent.
So much happiness,
Yet I'm morose.

You smile that smile that signals
As I remain
With the same frown
I've worn for so long
For reasons you've yet to

You laugh
Your laugh,
Yet I smile my knowing smile,
You accomplished
Yet you think you've won the prize
While all you've really won
Is false victory
And utter defeat.

You gather those five of yours together
Along with your sixth,
And you relay to them
That the despondence that you
Is that of your own creation
And while you celebrate the
Emptiness you so desire
To hold as impressive
And smug,
Is truly a pathetic
That you attempt
To fool so many with
As you hold your head high
While your soul
Sells you out
And reveals your true self:
A pathetic excuse as a human being,
A husband
A Father
And a Son.

Ironically, you're no longer needed
As your masqueraded independence
Does nothing more
Than to prove
What a joke you've created
As your world,
Yet no one else
Other than those close to you
Sheds tears,
Because they have become wise
And accustomed
Your Ways.....

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