Sunday, March 28, 2010


A few weeks ago I watched the most ridiculous display of disrespect I have ever witnessed when the Republican members of Congress sat like bumps on a log during President Obama's State Of The Union Address. To see these grown men act like elementary school kids who aren't getting their way embarrassed me to the point of anger.

Firstly, I'm not a politically motivated person. I always try and vote for the person I feel is best qualified for the job. I don't vote straight ticket, never have, can't say I never will, but I don't vote for any particular party.

I'm neither liberal nor conservative. I'm about as middle of the road as you can get.

To see elected officials act this way in public, and to have watched the recent fiasco on health care in the House, I can honestly wonder how any of these "jerks" got elected in the first place.

A Democrat could have one of the most wonderful ideas going right now, but the Republicans would shun it, tear it down and rip it apart, simply because it was the idea of a Democrat.

To hear John McCain talk about having the new healthcare bill repealed and using it as a political campaign tool reminds me of a little kid who doesn't get his way and picks up his toys and refuses to share and play.

The two party system of politics in our great nation has become a total sham and an embarrassment to our nation as a whole.

President Obama has been labelled as a Socialist, and I have to wonder how much of that has to do with the fact that he is a black man?

I would have hoped that prejudice had gone its way decades ago, but of course, it hasn't.

It's not just racial issues that create prejudice, but it's also politcal affiliation, whether you are of the same religion or not, whether you're fat, thin or normal, if you're Mexican, Puerto Rican, Indian, Caucasian or Middle Eastern.

The Bible teaches us that we are ALL created in the image of God, yet we fail to recognize this in our daily lives.

I listen to so-called holy men of God speak of "taking our nation back." Excuse me, but when did our nation go away? I read comments by so-called Christians about changing our world to better suit what they perceive to be their way of thinking, but they condemn other religions for attempting to do the same thing.

I thank God I was raised in a home where prejudice wasn't taught and that I was raised to recognize that all men are created equal.

I had hoped in my lifetime I would have lived to see an end to ALL types of prejudice, but that simply isn't going to happen, considering the age I am now and the current state of thinking in our country.

When the political leaders of our land act as they do, simply for the good of their party, it's a sure bet that they don't have the best interests of our nation at heart.

Will this archaic type of thinking ever truly come to an end?

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