Friday, April 29, 2005

Daylight Savings Time Is Coming To Indiana (but in what form?)

So finally, after a long and drawn out battle, the lawmakers of this great state of Indiana have finally decided to make the step into the new century and get in step with the rest of the USA, save for Arizona and Hawaii, and begin observing Daylight Savings Time starting April 6, 2005.

For many, myself included, this is great news. I really don't think adjusting clocks and VCR's is that big of a deal, although you'll have quite a few people griping and complaining about what a hassle this is going to be. But for some of those same people, opening up a can of pop is a major ordeal, so who really cares at this point?

What remains to be seen is if Indiana will remain on EST or be switched to CST. It's no secret that Czar Daniels thinks Indiana needs to be stepping backward to CST and be in line with Chicago, so it won't come as any surprise to me at all that the final decision, which is supposed to be made by the Department of Transportation in Washington DC, will render Indiana back to 1948 and move us backward an hour to CST. Besides, in less than 4 months in office, Illustrious Premier Daniels has shown is sour disposition on more than one occasion when he doesn't get his way, so I'm wondering just how he will manage to sway this decision in his favor.

As I stated in a previous posting, Indiana is notorious for taking one step forward and then two or three steps backward whenever they address change. I'm sure hoping this is one time they prove me wrong and actually let this change that could be so positive for us actually remain a positive change.

Indiana needs to stay on Eastern Standard Time to reap any benefit from the switch to Daylight Savings Time. The ball is still in the air on this one and could drop either way. We'll be watching!

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