Tuesday, April 19, 2005

First Step Of A New Journey

My old pal Kingfish introduced me to this site in an indirect way, but no matter, what's been done has been done, and I'm ready to venture of into a new territory here.

Kingfish knows that I'm a very outspoken individual, but I tend to do my best speaking by writing, something I haven't tried in years. A few years ago during a very trying time in my life and during the long illness and eventual death of my dear Mother, I put my thoughts down on computer, basically writing all I had been feeling down to purge myself from its poisoning effect on my psyche. After Mom's death, I deleted all 3,816 pages! I felt I had finally written my last. I hope I'm about to prove myself wrong.

In my 53 years I've seen a lot of changes in this world, some good, some bad, but so many that I have a hard time imagining how much things have indeed changed. I'm not one who is opposed to change, though I have to admit that I am getting a bit more set in my ways, and change isn't as easily made by me now as it once was, but at least I'm trying. I hope to add my two cents worth, for whatever it may be worth, if anything at all. But I am going to try and enter my blogs as to how I feel about different things that have a profound effect on my life, and possibly yours as well.

I don't have a regular schedule on here that I'm planning on keeping, I'm just going to write when I feel the need. I have no idea what you will be reading, or if, for that matter, anyone at all will be reading, but once again, I feel the need to exorcise the demons from my system.

With that in mind, let me welcome you, dear reader, to Flowers On My Side Of The Wall!

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