Saturday, November 03, 2012

DST Fallback

Once again it's time to fall back with the clocks as DST 2012 comes along.

To some of my Faithful Few, this is old news. To those of my Faithful Few that are here in Indiana, it's been a lot of years for us as we have on been back on Daylight Savings Time a few short years now.

Personally, I love it!

Those extra hours of daylight in the summer are most welcome.

Of course, we have those rocket scientists that have since discovered that they don't like it, and they have decided that they might like it if Indiana moves to the Central Time Zone, which, in vast Indiana thinking, is another step backwards. However, they have figured out they can have their daylight hours rearranged back, even with DST, if Indiana steps back to the 20th Century again and moves to the CTZ.

Again, we get to take a giant leap forward and people are then ready to take 3 steps back. And people wonder why Indiana seems to never get ahead.

Regardless of how you feel about it or where you are this weekend, if you are on DST, don't forget to move your clocks back prior to 2AM Sunday, when it will magically become 1AM Sunday.

Seriously, how damned much energy is there to setting a few clocks back, people?

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