Friday, December 16, 2011


Earlier this week my father in law had a massive stroke. It was a while before he was found, but when he was found luckily he was still alive and breathing.

He is in the hospital now, in guarded condition, and he has a veritable plethora of problems going on. Pneumonia, heart issues, paralysis, kidney issues, etc.

He's a widower, so he spent a lot of time after his stroke without medical attention, and he was extremely dehydrated when he was taken to the hospital.

All in all, his prognosis is not good, but we're clinging to faith that he will pull thru this and all that lies ahead of him.

He has a long road of recovery ahead of him, should he survive this.

Those of you, my Faithful Few, that read my blog regularly, I ask you for your prayers for him, that he not only survive this stroke, but that he make a full and complete recovery.

Those of you who aren't one of my Faithful Few, I ask the same of you.

The power of prayer is a truly amazing thing, and right now, Roy needs all the prayers he can get.


1 comment:

ryseja said...

I'm beaming all my positive thoughts to Peggy. It's not only rough to watch someone suffer, it's also tough to watch a loved one watch someone suffer.