Friday, December 28, 2012

Confessions Of A Confused Mind (short version)

Once again Americans are being held hostage by the antics of a partisan group of politicans in Washington. Thankfully, I can say, I didn't vote for a single member of Congress who was a part of this garbage before. Apparently that puts me in the minority of Americans, most of whom apparently enjoy the childish antics of a group of grown men and women who refuse to put the best interests of Americans first.

The life expectancy of human bodys has continued to get longer and longer. It's a shame the mind hasn't kept up. As our bodies continue to improve in stability, Alzheimers and dementia related illnesses are affecting more and more people all the time.

The media continues to bask in the violent, the deadly and the bizzare, while the beautiful and wonderful things that happen in this world take a backseat and are hardly, if at all, ever reported about.

We continually hear about how obesity is taking over our nation, and we hear it in between the commercials for fast food and sugar laden goodies.

CD sales continue to drop, online musical services continue to grow and concert tickets have risen to a totally ridiculous price. A ticket to see KISS back in 1977 cost $7, today, a similar ticket costs $130.

Write a check, stick a stamp on it and mail it and get it anywhere in the nation in three days or less for 45 cents. Use an online billpay service and read the fine print and see that it takes most online bill paying services 10 days to process the same payment for you. Yet this is the way most Americans seem to be doing business now.

Home schooling is at an all time high and young people seem to lack social skills and parents wonder why.

Communities sponsor summer activities with the generosity of sponsorship dollars and provide different types of entertainment for their residents, yet the majority of the residents ignore these activities and complain that there's nothing to do.

Crude oil prices continue to drop yet gas prices remain at an all time high and no longer reflect the price of crude per barrel and Americans have quit asking why and the oil companies continue to rake in record profits and no one seems to care anymore.

Respect has all but disappeared, violence continues to plague our world and if anyone challenges anything in this regard, we're told we are infringing on someone else's rights.


I will be 61 years old, good Lord willing, in less than two months, and I am amazed at how our world has changed in the last 40 years. I am even more amazed at how much it has changed in the last 5 years.

Can you imagine what another 5 years is going to do?

Confused? Yes, I'm confused, and I don't think it's going to get any better.

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