Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just Once

I found this on a piece of paper I was throwing out, which was in a book I had not looked at since high school, and unfortunately, I had not written a date on this, but I am guessing it to be somewhere in the vicinity of 1969 or 1970. I don't particularly like this, but I thought I would at least post it so I would have a copy of it in existence somewhere.

It was untitled, so the title was just added today. Hope you like it, but as I said, I don't care for it too much.

Just Once

he looked forward
he looked back
he looked sideways
he looked up
he looked down
he looked all around
it remained hidden
it remained unseen
but he knew it was somewhere
if it would only show itself
just once
in his lifetime
just one time
he wanted to see total
and complete peace

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