Wednesday, January 06, 2010

More Of The Same Chit

Listening to the news this morning around 5:30AM and heard this little tidbit of news you might find strange.

Price of crude oil continues to fall.

Price of gasoline JUMPED again last night, is supposed to make a big jump before this weekend, and reports continue to say that gasoline prices should exceed the high we paid in 2009.


1 comment:

Rufus Goofus said...

You think gasoline is high now. Just wait until Obama gets his Cap & Tax bill rammed through Congress. Every industry that uses energy will be hit hard financially due to Obama's Cap & Tax. Gasoline got up to $5 a gallon in September of 2008. When Cap & Tax gets passed, and when the economy turns around, we'll think $5 gas was cheap when we're paying $6, $7, and possibly $8 for a gallon of gasoline.