Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Regarding Comments

I've been receiving some really nice comments lately, and if you don't see your comment posted, there's probably a reason I chose not to. Sometimes, there are things written that I will indeed try and address, but some of the comments tend to be of a more personal nature to me and some involve others. One thing I try and never do is tread on someone else's territory and put their feelings on the line. I never have been one to hurt someone, especially by name, so again, if you have left a comment for me and I've not printed it, that's probably why.

That doesn't mean I didn't get it or that I won't try and address the issue or issues you brought up, it's just my way of trying to spare someone else's feelings or trying not to invade their privacy.

I hope that has some semblance of sense.

And by all means, please continue to contact me either by leaving a comment or by hitting me up at my e-mail link.


1 comment:

RainbowDemon1952 said...

I laughingly have to leave a comment that might be confusing to most of you, but one person in particular will understand...I truly don't have any info on TJ, sorry! Yes, HONESTLY!